Coaches: Coaching Paperwork and Online Training Certificates

Please contact the head coach of the sport you are interested in coaching. Once they have confirmed there is an opening, please print the correct packet for the type of coach you will be and follow all steps in the packet.
If you have any questions please contact
AP Secretary - Adriana De Fazio at [email protected]
AP/Athletic Administrator - Richard Gutierrez at [email protected]
Step 1 - Complete the appropriate Coaching packet from the list below:
Step 2 - Keenan Trainings
Once you've completed and turned in the Coach Packet to the Administrator's office for approval, we will request your Keenan Safe Schools Training username to be able to log in for their training. 
You may use the links below to complete the mandated online training certificates.  Returning coaches, you too may use these links to update your certificates.
* Keenan Safe Schools Training includes the following 5 certificates
     1.  Sexual Harassment Prevention (every 2 years)
     2.  Mandated Reporter (Annually)
     3.  Workplace Bullying (Only for new hires)
     4.  Title IX Compliance Code of Ethics (New hires only, every 2 years)
     5.  Severe Bleeding Response Training (Every 2 years)
     6.  Cyber Security Awareness (Annually)
     7.  Youth Suicide Training (Annually)
     8.  Workplace Violence Training (Annually)
     9.  Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training (Annually)
*  These certificates are due by mid August each year and expire June 30.
Step 3 - NFHS Trainings & Fundamentals of Coaching
(For the following trainings, you create your own login, you do not need district approval to complete these mandatory trainings)
* NFHSLearn Training includes the following 3 certificates:  Sudden Cardiac, Concussion, Heat Illness Prevention. 
* These certificates expire every 2 years
*  Here are the links:
     1.  Sudden Cardiac Arrest (every 2 years):
     2.  Concussion in Sports (every 2 years):
     3.  Heat Illness Prevention (every 2 years):
    4.  Fundamental of Coaching Courses (ASEP/CIF Certification Course) - 1 Year from Clearance Date.
               * Coaches you have a one year grace period to complete this certificate.
               * This certificate is a lifetime.
Step 4 - Fingerprinting
*  The certificates above must be included in the Coach Packet for Admin approval before your Request for Live Scan Service fingerprint appointment.   Adriana De Fazio can help set up appointment for Live Scan
Step 5 - CPR/First Aid Certificates (every 2 years)
* 2 options:
   1.  You can get this training on your own at your, or the programs, expense.  Usually an online
   2.  You can attend a district offering of this class - Free of charge to coaches:
         - Dates:  TBD
         - All will be held at the district office from 6-10 PM.
         - Email [email protected] or [email protected] if you would like to attend one of these as they are first come, first serve basis.
Step 6 - Tuberculosis (TB test) (every 4 years)
* Code of Ethics, Athletic Coach Clearance Form (Annually). Coaches please print and complete this form. You may turn it in along with your completed certificates.
This form is due every year before the start of the sport season.