Athletic Transportation Information
Due to the increased costs passed on to the schools for transportation we have become as creative as possible in trying to save on bus expenses. For weekend tournaments and for teams with very small rosters, we try to coordinate with parents to drive to and from events. As a general policy for larger teams, if a contest is played during the week we will provide transportation both directions for "out of valley" contests and have one-way transportation to contests "in valley".
One-way means that a bus will take the athlete to the contest in valley, but the parent would be expected to pick up the athlete at the away site after the contest concludes. Policies vary from sport to sport, so be sure to inquire with your particular program.
IMPORTANT! Please Read...
When transportation is provided out of the valley and there is a return bus scheduled to transport athletes back to campus, all athletes must be on the bus home. If there are extraordinary circumstances, parents may ask for permission to transport their own athlete (you may not transport another family's son or daughter) home from a contest. This must be done using the form below. Please note that it takes about two days to gather all the signatures required, so do not wait until the last minute to start the process or your athlete will not have approval to be released from the bus transportation.
Please complete this form and give to your Head coach at least 24 hours before the game of request